Ross Doyle (CV)

I’m a painter from Oregon, living and working in Los Angeles at the moment. I hold an MFA from CalArts.

Artist Statement

These works are paintings, they are shrouded in the history, the complications, and concerns of the painting. I construct these paintings with images ripped from their contexts, gleaned from the constant stream of digitized information and image flowing through my life. These images are then flattened by a process of digital over production, where I hyperstimulate each painting through a continual process of individuated conflation, produced by the successive image being selected and printed based on it’s relationship to the image or images which precede it on the surface. This process of producing images successively over the top of one another entangles the inherent meanings of each image, while also occuluding each images individual state.  These works are constituted of digital ephemera, signs which are laden with meaning generated over years of circulation and constant reinterpretation. The individual images are selected for their prescience within the current moment, and they're inherent signification of the functional realities of the institutions implicated by each composition. Though the entities composing the picture plane are digital artifacts, and are re-produced digitally (primarily), these paintings are not composed in a digital space, but are rather a continual process of pervasive image production without an eye towards the artifice of human spatial conventions. Instead, these works are constructed in what I describe as their natured digital condition. 


Ross Doyle, Institutions of Intimacy: The Political, The Familial, The Judicial, 2022

Ultrachrome ink, acrylic, and flashe on composited canvases, 132" x 80"


Ross Doyle, Slouching towards the ideal (Damocles), 2022

Ultrachrome ink, acrylic, oil, and flashe on composited canvases, 108" x 90"


Ross Doyle, Serenity now, 2022

oil on canvas, 48" x 32"


Ross Doyle, Some things I've learned about beauty (MF)(V), 2022

Ultrachrome ink, acrylic, and flashe on composited canvases, 90" x 88"


Ross Doyle, "Grip/Grasp"

ink on paper, 8" x 6"


Ross Doyle, "Oh, My, God!"

graphite on paper, 11" x 8.5"


Ross Doyle, Nightfall, 2021

Ultrachrome ink, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 66" x 48"


Ross Doyle, It's a feature, not a bug., 2021

Ultrachrome ink, acrylic, flashe, and oil on linen, 78" x 64"


Ross Doyle, The Wheel., 2021

Ultrachrome ink, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 84" x 72"


Ross Doyle, Fortress., 2021

Ultrachrome ink, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 48" x 36"